About Francesca
Born and raised in Rome, Francesca has a real passion for her city and its history. She graduated in Archaeology, Greek and Roman Art History at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, where she also attended the Postgraduate School in Classical Archaeology. Eager to deepen her knowledge of different aspects of Rome, she later attended advanced courses at different institutions and Universities including archeology and territory, protection and enhancement of archaeological heritage, funerary archaeology and Christian antiquities. As a freelance archeologist she works mainly in Rome, since 2005 dealing with Urban Archeology in the city centre. She worked as member of Italian Archaeological Missions in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, at Zeytinli Bahçe (Birecik - Urfa) and in Lybia at Leptis Magna. She has attended national and international conferences and is author of several research articles and publications. In 2014 she taught courses at IAR Academy Rome (BAU Global International Service) and in 2017 ‘Greek and Roman Art History’ at John Cabot University Rome. Since 2012 she has curated exhibitions and art-related events. Each of these experiences influences Francesca’s way of leading tours. She aims to make her energy, passion and knowledge turn each walk into a unique experience.
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