Gila Levitan

Local Guide in EUR Zone and Israel
About Gila

Gila is originally from Sydney, Australia and has been living in Israel for the past 19 years. In Australia she was involved with Zionist youth movements and spent a year in Israel between high school and university which helped build the foundations for her love and support of this unique little country. This also gave her experience working as an educator with young adults and to develop skills in informal education.
After moving here in 2005, she pursued her career in Physiotherapy and also studied for a Masters in Public Health from Hebrew University, after working in Health Policy Research she decided to become a licensed tour guide in order to pursue her passion for exploring and travelling around Israel. Gila loves to travel all over the world and brings the knowledge and experience of a well seasoned traveller to her explanations.
Gila is very curious and likes to know all the little details, which may be why she loved working in research, but also love people and being a guide enables her to teach people about a place that she loves and help them on their own path of discovery of all the treasures that Israel has to reveal. Gila has a passion for languages, not only does she speak Hebrew fluently but has picked up bits and pieces of Arabic to understand local culture better, she also has basic French. Gila loves to add touches of local culture to her tours, off the beaten track places and local delicacies - the best way to travel she believes is to taste new flavours and make new friends.

Gila is proud to have been awarded the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence for 2019/20/21/22.

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