Grisel Amaya

Local Guide in Buenos Aires
About Grisel

Grisel got her degree as a tour guide specialized in Buenos Aires city in 2014. Since then she is guiding and transmitting her love and passion for the city to travelers. She inherited her love for Buenos Aires from her father, a tango fan that named her after a famous tango song. She also got liscenced in local folk and tango dance and music at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes. As a tango dancer she frequents the most special and local tango spots of the city.
Definitely in love with the architecture of the city, she is always searching of the hidden architectonic gems of Buenos Aires and its history.
Grisel is an argentine food lover. One of her hobbies is going to different local food places and markets in search of new variants of local flavors as she considers that food is one of the most important cultural expressions of a society
Her goal is that travelers can get involved with local culture and the kindness of its people.

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