About Ilaria
Ilaria was born and raised in Florence. This wonderful city is not only in her genes, but all around her. She grew up on the right bank of the Arno river, and the first thing she saw every day twas the view of he San Miniato church, a white dot perched on Florence's most beautiful panorama, the solid and imposing Forte Belvedere, protective against the surrounding vegetation, and the marvelous Ponte Vecchio, with its dream houses overlooking the Arno, and its unique and intriguing walkway. Ilaria graduated with a Master's Degree in Art History from the University of Florence. She then worked as an art critic in art galleries, with restorers in the Fashion and Costumes Gallery of the Palazzo Pitti, and as a fabric researcher in the Uffizi and the National Library. In 2014, Ilaria became a licensed Tour Guide, a profession that she carries out with great love and passion! She's taught Florence Art History to tour guides and lectures current guides about goldsmithing.
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