About Jeanne
Jeanne is a Chinese woman working as a wine journalist in France, writing international wine and spirits news. Inspired by the legendary story of Cîteaux and their remarkable work in Burgundy, Jeanne first came to France in 2011. She loves to share a glass of wine while knowing the story and culture behind it. Jeanne started to work for a wine merchant by studying law at the University of Burgundy, tasting wine often and passing her Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET). She studied Wine & Spirits International Business (MS CIVS) at the ESC Dijon (BSB) and then Journalism at École Supérieure de Journalisme, from which she got two Master's degrees. After working as a sommelier in Paris, Jeanne decided to become a wine critic, beginning to write for the Revue du Vin de France, Le Figaro, Rumporter, V&S News... Today, as a freelance journalist and consultant, Jeanne has worked for 11 years as a winemaker, sommelier, caviste, tasting judge, educator, and more. She spent more than seven years in Paris, discovering the fascinating culture of France with a passionate angle and offering unique and unforgettable experiences, and is excited to share her knowledge with you!
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