Josh Karan

Local Guide in New York
About Josh

Josh is a lifelong New Yorker who spent 25 years in the TV industry as a Location Scout and Manager, shepherding directors, producers, and production crews to the best sites in New York.
He intimately knows this city, and leads tours to NY for students from throughout the US, as well as for domestic and international tourists.

He has been everywhere --- from the top of the Empire State Building where King Kong hung out, to the depths of the subway tunnels, riding on a handcart -- and intimately knows this city's neighborhoods.

His focus is on the unique history which has welcomed people from across the globe, to become the standard barer of the inscription of the Statue of Liberty standing in its harbor: "Give me your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free". This has made NY the cultural capital of the world, with diverse languages, artistic pursuits, and cuisines. You will be exposed to all.

When not leading tours, you will find Josh swing or salsa dancing, or attending theater performances on and off Broadway. Can't get enough of either!

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