About Lauren
Lauren first began guiding in 2009 at the Vatican. Realizing her passion for teaching, the experience propelled her into graduate study. She completed a master’s degree in art history at the Courtauld Institute in London. In 2015 she moved to Paris on a Fulbright scholarship to conduct dissertation research. She completed her PhD from Rutgers University and now lectures at the Paris Institute for Critical Thinking. Her specialization is modern art in France with a focus on gender studies and women artists. Lauren’s writings have appeared in academic journals, and she is currently expanding her PhD dissertation into a book on early 20th c female artists and their representations of the nude. Beyond art, she is passionate about wine and frequently travels around Italy with her sister who is a sommelier. When not writing or traveling, you can find her in the Louvre, Orsay or at the Pompidou. Since 2009 Lauren has led around 1,000 tours in museums in Paris and Rome. As a licensed guide, her goal is to make art and history come to life and create lasting memories. She offers her expertise in a way that is engaging and relatable to visitors of all ages and backgrounds.
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