About Sandro
After the Masters Degree in Fine Arts through the immortal teachings by, among others, Antonio Paolucci (former Vatican Museums Director), lost himself in the wage work world. But the inner passion for Arts and Crafts, Artists life and psychology was keep pushing from the inside. That's why he became a professional Tour Guide for Italy and Tour Leader for the whole Europe. This allowed him to follow the Artists' paths throughout the Peninsula, looking for their Souls still sparkling inside their masterworks in Museum, Churches, Private Collections. That's how and why the Artist of the past are becoming our friends once again during each and every tour, someone you can talk to while sipping a drink. Not just the unreachable Immortals as we imagine them. This is the pillar of Farinelli's storytelling: to provide a real connection with the Past. The best fruit of his passion is the last published book entitled "Piero della Francesca: il Segreto svelato", meaning "Piero della Francesca: the Secret unveiled". Thanks to his innovative and unorthodox approach, Farinelli just was able to read the Neoplatonic code purposely used by Piero inside his masterworks. In order to reach the vast majority of the planet, the current job is to transform the essay into a novel to be published in the American market by 2024.
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