Canada Private and Small Group Tours

Canada Private and Small Group Walking Tours

Former outpost of the British and French, this vast northern land has emerged into a modern multicultural society
Canada’s charm lies in both its untouched natural beauty—from boreal forests to the Canadian Rockies to the snowy Yukon—and the diverse metropolitan centers scattered throughout its provinces. 

Touring through Canada, you can’t help but notice its long history of pluralism. The country was built up by successions of inhabitants, including its indigenous peoples, British and French colonialists, and waves of immigrants from across the globe.
What Context Canada Travelers Say
(4.87) 199 Reviews

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Great tour! Ronny had lots of stories to share about Montreal. He included the history as well as how it influences life today.
Christian was friendly, engaging and fun to be with. Christian supplied us with a wealth of knowledge about Montreal and Quebec. We feel we learned much and are now more familiar with Montreal and the lovely culture here.
Justin was very knowledgeable and informative. Very patient with his answering of our many questions